Interesting. This week, Time's cover story is an essay arguing in favor of teaching the Bible in U.S. schools. On the cover of its international editions is ."The Truth About Talibanistan", about the resurgence of the Taliban and al-Qaeda in Afghanistan (and also, Pakistan). The story is in the U.S. edition of the magazine but not on the American cover, presumably because Time, Inc.. thinks the Bible will do better newsstand (even though it is a singularly unattractive cover).
What irony.
Ditch the cover of a theocratic movement desperately trying to gain control of one country and replace it with a cover story of a theocratic movement desperately trying to gain control of another country. Religious fanatics, be they of the cross or crescent variety, are equally disgusting.
I don't know what's scarier, a country that will do anything for Allah, or a country that will do anything for God. You could make the case that at least Afghanistan doesn't have nuclear weapons and a massive military-industrial complex.Frankly, I'm glad I'm not living in Afghanistan OR the U.S. right now.