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what??,in the name of humanity is happening to america..our morals,our constitution,basic human rights,ect,ect,seam to be going down the drain,why? the aliens?,advanced tech?power hungry humans?basic logic is thrown out the window!!,how can a alien race make free american humans (the higher ups)turn their backs on everything we hold dear and makes us as americans the best,,love thy neighbor,spiritual growth,to help each other as humans better are selves in every way,why would so many alien races,that are thousands of years ahead of us,all come to earth,(they are fighting with each other)it is beyond are experience to understand the full scope,of what is (really,truthfully)going on,they have what,power of the mind (esp,ect,ect)are they capable of controling are leaders in some way,what do they really want,why ,why is the american people not coming together in a honest,truthful,peaceful way to solve this problem,i truly hope things work out as are fore fathers intended,peaceful,togetherness,,and with all people having respect ,love,and standing together as one people,humans from earth,in a land of the best ,america...

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