
this is the sad tragedy of Xianity! but i finally understand it after talking with a fairly reasonable missionary in Taiwan once...he told me that as far as Christians are taught to see things, we heathens are like people in a house on fire to them and their entreaties to us and as if they merely want to yell FIRE and help us get out of the house on fire, which he inhabit in our heathenness, and therefore their entreaties are from their POV all about love and saving us from the fire of eternal damnation. That is their reality in terms of how they see non-Christians, that is their mission, this missionaries. Once I saw that , understand that, i understood THEM and now I forgive them because they mean well, even though they are totally misguided and ignorant of life's reality......SIGH

but yes, never once in 20 years in Japan and Taiwan has a Buddhist or a Taoist or a Shintoist told me I was wrong to be a non-believer and have never been judged by my fellow islanders in Jville or Tville. Just saying. But yes, in the USA, daily life and on TV with televangelists, from Sarah Palin on down, or up, always the Christian judgments. YUCK. The tragedy of the West is Christianity. Nobody believes me but it's true....

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