Two new albums have been added, “ 01 Sketchbook – Nature” and “ 02 Sketchbook - Abstract. The first is composed of designs in black and white of some of my favorite subjects taken from nature – wildflowers, grasses, leaves, rocks and creatures. As a youngster I went through a period in which I never left the house without my sketchbook in an attempt to capture a bit of the world around me. Should I confess that at one point I even wore a beret in order to enhance my self image of that of a budding artist? Teenagers are always a bit strange.
Now my charcoal, pencil, and ink drawings are done with a contemporary twist in that all were accomplished with the Apophysis program, so the medium consists of ‘fractal tools’.
“02 Sketchbook – Abstract” contains a number of very abstract designs, once again in black and white, which contain their own unique charm. If, of course, abstraction is your ‘cup of tea’. . .
Nearly all will require a bit of imagination on the part of the viewer. But then I’ve always been of the opinion that was what the mind was designed for; and that a mind not liberally lubricated with imagination does indeed get rusty. As may be implied from the images and titles, mine is so well lubricated it is at times a bit slippery.
More images will be added as they 'materialize'.